The following is a list of useful links related to acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine: is an excellent place to begin your education on the background, history, and many treatment modalities related to Traditional Chinese medicine.
This information and news portal, which goes by the name "Acupuncture Today," has the potential to become your go-to source for any and all recent developments in the fields of acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine.
This is the official website of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website gives legitimate information and guidelines regarding acupuncture therapy and traditional Chinese medicine. The information ranges from detailed information to helpful insights and professional guidance. On this website, you will also be able to read the most recent research publications that are associated with acupuncture treatment.
The National Library of Medicine's Medline Plus is an excellent resource for reliable medical papers and comprehensive information regarding acupuncture treatment. You can explore the informative website on a topical basis to read the most recent articles about acupuncture and news about clinical trials and research. In this section, you can also get an introduction to the history of acupuncture therapy as well as a treatment plan that incorporates Chinese herbs.
The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, also known as the NCCAOM, is an organization that does not generate revenue for its members. It has made it its mission to offer helpful information to acupuncture patients and users in every region. The association aims to advance nationally recognized standards of professional competence and patient safety in the field of acupuncture. Those individuals who are looking for in-depth information regarding acupuncture techniques, massage, Chinese herbal treatment, and Oriental bodywork therapies will find it to be an invaluable resource.
TCM Central
TCM Central is your one-stop destination for all the information you require about traditional Chinese medicine and its associated treatments. Check out this website for in-depth education in traditional Chinese medicine, covering topics such as acupuncture, Chinese massage, herb and nutrition therapy, and more advanced topics.
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
The Website for Medical Acupuncture is an additional helpful resource for studying the fundamentals of acupuncture treatment and how the practice can assist in alleviating and curing various conditions.
Are you unsure as to whether or not Chinese herbs can assist you in the treatment of a variety of conditions? This website contains informative and detailed information on the natural advantages of herbs, as well as the educational benefits of using herbs.
Students and members of the general public will find this website a handy resource for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The information is presented in a format that is simple to comprehend.
WebMD offers a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and benefits of acupuncture therapy for patients suffering from several conditions, particularly persistent musculoskeletal pain and arthritis.
The articles published by Mayo Clinic are regarded by millions worldwide as credible sources due to their extensive research. Here you may learn more about acupuncture therapy, which is beneficial for the management of pain as well as many other joint disorders.