Conditions Treated
Pain: Acupuncture relieves pain by stimulating the body's natural painkillers and increasing blood flow to the treated area. It can be effective for many types of pain, including headaches, back pain, and osteoarthritis.
Nausea and vomiting: Acupuncture helps regulate the brain's response to nausea and vomiting by stimulating specific body points. It is often used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and other medical treatments.
Anxiety and depression: Acupuncture helps regulate the levels of certain brain chemicals associated with moods, such as serotonin and dopamine. This can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Insomnia: Acupuncture helps promote relaxation and improve sleep by stimulating specific points in the body. It can be effective in treating insomnia and other sleep disorders.
Allergies: Acupuncture helps regulate the immune system and reduce the body's response to allergens. It may effectively treat allergies, hay fever, and other immune-related conditions.
Infertility: Acupuncture may help regulate the hormones and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, enhancing fertility. It is a complementary treatment for infertility.
High blood pressure: Acupuncture helps regulate the nervous system and improve blood flow, which can help to lower high blood pressure. It is a complementary treatment for hypertension.
Migraines: Acupuncture can effectively treat migraines and other types of headaches by inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to relieve tension and promote relaxation. This ancient Chinese practice has been used for centuries to alleviate pain and improve overall health.
Asthma: For people with asthma, acupuncture can help open up the airways and improve breathing by targeting specific points on the body associated with the respiratory system. By stimulating these points, acupuncture can help reduce inflammation and ease asthma symptoms.
Fibromyalgia: This chronic condition that causes widespread pain and fatigue. Acupuncture can help to relieve these symptoms by stimulating the body's natural painkillers and improving blood flow to the affected areas. In addition, by inserting needles into specific points on the body, an acupuncturist can help to reduce pain and improve overall function in people with fibromyalgia.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): This common digestive disorder can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel movements. Acupuncture can help to alleviate these symptoms by promoting relaxation and improving digestion. In addition, an acupuncturist can help reduce pain and improve overall digestive function in people with IBS by inserting needles into specific points on the abdomen.
Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, can be debilitating for many women. Acupuncture can help to alleviate these painful cramps by reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation. In addition, by inserting needles into specific points on the lower abdomen, an acupuncturist can help to relieve pain and improve overall menstrual health.
Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common overuse injury that causes pain outside the elbow. Acupuncture can help to reduce pain and improve function in people with tennis elbow by stimulating the body's natural healing response. By inserting needles into specific points on the elbow and surrounding areas, an acupuncturist can help to relieve pain and improve overall function in people with tennis elbows.
TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) is a common disorder that causes pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint. Acupuncture can help to alleviate these symptoms by reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation. By inserting needles into specific points on the face and jaw, an acupuncturist can help to relieve pain and improve overall function in people with TMJ.
Many more conditions can be treated with the help of acupuncture! Visit your local Berkeley Acupuncture Clinic today to get started on the road back to health!